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Nasty Life Lesson

The last week I have been combating...mice. I am truly embarrassed to admit this. I refused to take pictures is just too awful! It also could not have been a more inconvenient time to be dealing with this. At the same time, we are trying to deal with a leak that was in our master bathroom and we have had to tear apart that bathroom. Needless to say, there is a bit of chaos and disorder in our home right now. It has been hard work trying to clean these critters out. We have a cold storage room under the stairs that has been full of food storage. In this room, I have stored #10 metal cans and 5-gallon plastic buckets of grains. I never imagined I would have any issues here, and I haven't had to go into this room until last week. To my surprise and horror, I learned that when they are hungry enough, mice can gnaw their way into plastic buckets. Well, for who knows how long, there has been a very happy family of mice living off the insides of a bucket of wheat. T

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