Rising above

In many parts of life, we learn to just take things as they are and not question. As I look back at my adult life I realize that one of my big lessons I have had to learn is to ask questions. It stemmed from not understanding my worth.

I have had 3 chronic health issues. They have been my teachers.

As a young adult in my early 20's, my hormones went bonkers. My weight suddenly skyrocketed 50 lbs in 6 months. My self-esteem really went down the toilet. I went to a doctor who just told me that I needed to lose weight. Later I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.

When I was told in my mid-20's that I was pre-diabetic and very nearly diabetic, I was also informed that it would be inevitable and I needed to take medication control my blood sugars.

When I was told I had Hashimoto's thyroiditis, I was basically informed that my life as I knew it was over and that I would easily get sick for the rest of my life, and that I would over time most likely acquire other health conditions. My first reaction was to feel broken. I almost gave up trying at that point.

Also, based on my genetics, I should probably be dead from a heart attack right now.

But I am not.

I am now in my early 40's. I don't have any of these diseases. I am generally healthier than most people around me.


I decided that these things weren't me. Something inside of me wanted me to know that I was way more than all of this. I have come to understand that we are more than just a body. There is a spirit inside of each one of us. We have mental and emotional needs as well. Our bodies have an amazing ability to heal. As we take care of and address our needs (the root causes of our problems), the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs that we have, that our bodies can return from dis-ease.

I have learned to ask questions. I have learned to listen to that little feeling that guides me if I listen. I have learned that we are here to learn and explore and become the experts of ourselves.

I want to share this understanding with the world. We don't have to be victims of circumstance. We can stand strong and tall, with health and vigor. We can be empowered in so many ways.

What is it in your life that you feel stuck in? What questions can you start asking? What are your needs that are being pushed aside? How can you take care of yourself today?

🎔 Jeanne
