Nasty Life Lesson

The last week I have been combating...mice.

I am truly embarrassed to admit this. I refused to take pictures is just too awful!

It also could not have been a more inconvenient time to be dealing with this. At the same time, we are trying to deal with a leak that was in our master bathroom and we have had to tear apart that bathroom.

Needless to say, there is a bit of chaos and disorder in our home right now.

It has been hard work trying to clean these critters out. We have a cold storage room under the stairs that has been full of food storage. In this room, I have stored #10 metal cans and 5-gallon plastic buckets of grains. I never imagined I would have any issues here, and I haven't had to go into this room until last week.

To my surprise and horror, I learned that when they are hungry enough, mice can gnaw their way into plastic buckets. Well, for who knows how long, there has been a very happy family of mice living off the insides of a bucket of wheat. The mess was horrible.

I hauled those buckets out, and we cleaned the remaining buckets and the room under the stairs. Then we put D-Con everywhere because they were too smart for traps. Meanwhile, everything is out in the living area, and it looks a mess! We need to wait to be sure the mice are no longer a problem before we put everything away.

So I was thinking about this today, and the thought hit me that there is something deeper to learn from this experience.

Sometimes we have something in our life, whether it is emotional, or physical, or spiritual, that without our awareness starts becoming a problem.

At that point, we have a choice. We can ignore it, we can take care of the most obvious symptoms, or we can get to the root of the problem. The first 2 options never resolve the issue. In fact, they allow the problem to grow bigger under the surface until it is overwhelming.

The last choice is not fun. There is no convenient time to do this work. It is messy, and often ugly and uncomfortable. It is sometimes embarrassing and takes your full attention.


When it is finished, and cleaned and the problem addressed and resolved, life can be put back together, often better than before the problem ever happened.

Sometimes life stinks...and when it does, pay attention and do the work.

It WILL be worth it!

🎔 Jeanne
