Tender mercies

Yesterday was one of those days that just felt like it never ended.

It started at 3:45am...yes, AM...when my daughter came and woke us up saying that she heard something like rain, but it wasn't raining outside. Sure enough, there was water coming out of the heat register in her bedroom and the fan in the downstairs bathroom.
We were able to diagnose where the leak was and do a temporary fix.
Not long after that, in the process of trying to figure out how to fix the real problem, my husband, Shaun, got injured and we spent the rest of the morning into the afternoon in the ER. His ring got stuck on something as he was getting off a ladder and ended up ripping into his finger. I have never seen him in that much pain for such an extended amount of time. It looked bad too.
Once we finished with the ER, we ran some errands, and took care of dinner and had the evening routine. It wasn't bad, but I was worn out and quite frankly overwhelmed by the time I finally crawled into bed around 9:30 pm. I was so tired that I had a hard time sleeping.

As I pondered the events of the day, I started to see the jewels, the tender mercies, that we experienced throughout the day.

-My husband knows how to fix plumbing
-We were able to find the leak
-If I could have chosen a place for a leak, this was it...behind my master bathroom sink and vanity which desperately needed to be replaced anyway. It just wasn't one of the priorities...until the leak!
-While Shaun's injury was bad, it was not what I feared. I feared nerve damage, tendon damage or even a broken bone. It ended up being just a really gnarly flesh wound. The doc who tried to patch it up was very impressed because it could have and possibly should have been way worse.
-I believe in the power of faith and prayer. Right before going to the ER, Shaun's dad and uncle gave him a priesthood blessing, which is a special kind of prayer that we have in our religion. It was only after this experience that Shaun's pain was able to start coming under control. By the time we got to the ER, it was under control.
-We didn't have to wait hardly at all to be taken care of at the ER
-We got home just in time for me to get to an important meeting, which was worried I would miss

There were more tender mercies throughout the day, but those were the big ones.

We can focus on the hard things or we can see the beauty in the challenges. Personally, there was a lot of beauty in the day yesterday. I took this picture a couple years ago. Being from the Pacific Northwest, I tend to see the most beauty in lush greenery. However, on a run in the middle of winter, I was struck by the beauty of this view...of this lone tree. There is beauty and wonder in the greatest challenges we face. For that, gratitude can transform our lives.

🎔 Jeanne
